Thursday, September 25, 2014

of gloomy

12:53 PM 0 Comments
..... find out that reading in the bus or inside the train is so exciting while listening to slow jazzy or melancholic songs.
i mean , not  a sad song, just a music with an instrumental violin, piano or etcetra.

today was a gloomy day, though. no sun. no wind. just a very gloomy cloudy cloud and super cold weather. luckily i wear thicky mustardly autumn coat. 

having clinical pharmacology lecture today, but was stucked inside my own world with the papers and book doing my own task. a task for persons. conveying the beauty of Islam. i guess, you know what. 
sorry teacher, i'll copy your lecture next time. InshaaAllah. but i didnt sleep. i just do my own work
its better..


hey, why this book is so lovely and beautifully written.

"life is an open secret, You, Me and We" 
author: zabrina A. Bakar.

it was perfectly and sweetly written in a beautiful word with a simple way. 

was reading this book while waiting for the underground train after done with my groceries in Okei supermarket. I just love travelling in this train.  travelling to home sweet home. 
my second home. home for thousand lessons.

there's one part in this book, the topic is about the story of  a man and his bag of gold. on the page 21. i was really amazed and bumped with a beautiful page written in such a warm and heart calming. subhanallah..
i wrote it here.

------------ small is small? what is the quantum of "smallness of kindness" Allah is saying to us here?
The answer came from our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

"do not belittle even the smallest act of kindness, even if it were no more than meeting your brother with  a smiling and cheerful face."

subhanallah.. I cannot believe it! the smallest act of kindness is a cheerful, smiling face? isnt that amazing? i couldnt believe that it is so simple to be kind! Alhamdulillah!

and you know something else? I found that we dont necessarily need a human being to be kind , too!what we need is at least a living being, as said by Prophet(pbuh) here:
"..... o Allah's messenger! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?" He said " Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate(living being)."(albukhari and muslim)

subhanallah! so , even if we suddenly become Tom Hanks being Cast Away on an island alone- we still have a chance to be kind.

How? By serving the animals and the plants around us, of course! By being kind to our pets and animals that live around us: dont hurt them, dont throw stones at them and definitely dont burn them! if you see them ill, take them to the vet. care for them . feed them. if they drink milk, give them some milk. if they eat biscuits, give them some biscuits. and if they eat meat, please send them back to the zoo because they surely are at the wrong place!

oh, and yes, please do water your plants too- because by doing all these things, there is a reward for us!yup! Totally!

I closed the book.

i smiled. 

it reminds me of you. Yes. its you. 
the one who loves cat so much. the one who is so caring and lovable. even a tiny love for a pet, Allah will give a reward for us. not a small reward, but  a big one. may He rewards us with His jannah, and may the pet be the witness for all the kindness we had done.

though, its gone. still, Allah will count it as a good deed of yours. 


it was a gloomy day, indeed.
walk in tiny rains that hit my autumn coat, wetting the hoodie, 
reminds me of you, again.  the one who never failed and bored to ask me to  bring an umbrella.
well, i'm not a little girl, nor a kid. 
i just love that phrase, though.

volgograd , russia

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


3:31 AM 0 Comments
a distinction
a differences
of us and them.

we are not them
and they are not us
we are different.
what make us different from them

our faith and belief
we might love each other
but we love our Creator most
we care about each other
but we know 
Allah is the most Protector
i pray 
and you too
may the Doa' be the best ties
to tie the heart
not the people
the heart indeed.

a distance aint a distance
a distance that protect
you and me.



of obstacles and triumph
of pain and ease

Allah knows the best. 
May Allah protects.
May Allah bless.
May Allah ease.

volgograd, russia
2.24pm| 9m left

Monday, September 15, 2014


7:06 PM 0 Comments
Was it that cool.
Or even cold
Hardly breath
Temperature aint minus yet

Breezing are freezing
Head are stubbornly think
Was it that cool
Was it hard
Im trying my best.

Its not that cool
But still im trying my best.
Im trying my best for the best.
Cause it aint cool at all. 

Volga riva


10:04 AM 0 Comments
seorang daie itu perlu kuat
seorang daie itu perlu berjiwa besar
seorang daie itu perlu berhati besar
seorang daie itu perlu lebih sabarnya
seorang daie itu perlu tabah
seorang daie itu perlu berlapang dada
seorang daie itu mengutamakan Allah 
dalam setiap urusannya. 

daie itu manusia, seorang manusia. kadang2 lemah, kadang2 di uji. 
adakala rebah juga namun, masih ada Zat yang sudi memandang
menghulurkan kasih sayang, mengubat segala duka. 
daie itu juga seorang manusia biasa, yang cuba untuk menjadi luar biasa.

muliamu bukan kerana harta
muliamu kerana syahadah.
jika bukan jalan ini
jalan manakah lagi yang engkau akan pilih.
wahai sang daie. 

"dan bahwa (yang Kami perintahkan) ini adalah jalan-Ku yang lurus, maka ikutilah dia; dan janganlah kamu mengikuti jalan-jalan (yang lain), karena jalan-jalan itu mencerai-beraikan kamu dari jalan-Nya. Yang demikian itu diperintahkan Allah kepadamu agar kamu bertakwa." 

volgograd, russia

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


8:13 AM 0 Comments
Awan kelam kelabu
pekat hitam membisu
Sejuk bayu menyapa
Dingin meresap
Sampai ke tulang hitam.
Beku hati
Membengkak tidak

Awan mungkin mengerti
Hidup bukan saat mentari
Muncul menjelma gah
Menyinar bumi.
Awan mungkin mengerti
Akan tiba waktu
Hujan tiada berhenti.

Awan mungkin mendung
Tapi tak selamanya kelam.
Tiba masanya dan janji yang utuh
Mentari kan pasti menyinar
Kerana itu sunnah alam.

Volgograd,  russia

Sunday, September 7, 2014


7:26 AM 0 Comments
the moment u have to be strong, u shouted to yourself.
" Hey, I am strong. and I can endure this obstacles!"

"I have Allah. and He do knows the best things for me,"

"I can do this."

"I just need to be strong!"

"I'm strong enough!"

just give me good food, I'll be fine. then,

no kidding. Just wanna say, i'm okay.

volgograd, russia

Friday, September 5, 2014

be trayal

6:43 PM 0 Comments
intended to do such things
wouldnt not burden much
even you have to bear with
uncertainty and circumstances
i choose to stay positive

why should bother
people of no such heart
which love to suck and pinch off
people's heart are too priceless
or not even a thing to be appreciated?

talking bad wont bring you happiness
instead of  being a betrayal
even you are not a perfect one
how could you ask one
to be the perfect one
or even a small matter
please dont. just dont. Dont

a betrayal that ruin everything
turn off the clouds
breaking the heart
and you claimed you know nothing.
and you did something
yet, everything seems radiculous.

talk when time is indeed
silent when it is the best
i hope things get better
just dont be a betrayal.
just dont.

cause it hurts heart the most.

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